Wild Yoga Workshop – Back To Basics

Wild Yoga Creator Gillie Sutherland

Saturday 17th September 2022

9-11am U.K. time

10-12h CET

Live on Zoom but with recording also available

“No guru, no method, no teacher. Just you and me in nature”
Van Morrison

Join this experiential workshop to discover why tuning into the rhythms of nature is the answer to our health and well-being, and how our movement should reflect this basic knowledge.

With new knowledge to how the body best functions, as a bio-intelligent organism, more like a plant than a machine, the shape of yoga is finally changing.

Forget lines and rigid alignment, a teacher who comes along and shifts your body into the “right” position, true progress comes from using our “interception” – our “felt sense”.

So what does this mean?

  • It means as long as it feels good, you’re doing it right!
  • It means you know best how your body needs to move, you just need to learn to tune in to the body’s whispers.
  • It means that anyone and everyone can do yoga!

And “doing it right” means you are operating from a place of physical awareness, not achieving the most gymnastic pose so you can post it on Instagram.

As Natural Health Guru Jane Alexander calls it “low-ego yoga” is future of wellness.

Striving, pushing, forcing isn’t conducive to health and healing, instead we need to put the body into “receptive”’mode and this comes from a mindset as well as a state of balance in the nervous system.

Look at animals and the way they play and then they rest. Look at plants and how they grow in arcs, spirals and waves.

We are also creatures of nature, and we need to remember this, in our body and in our soul.

The answer is nature.

Come and discover why and how to put these principles into practise so you can return to your perfectly natural state of being.

This workshop is suitable for all levels, especially beginners and those who don’t think they like yoga.

It is offered on a donation-only basis, so just pay what you can afford (suggested donation £5-10)

To donate go to http://www.PayPal.me/gilliesutherland

This class is live on Zoom but also recorded to watch at your own time or even do it again.

All you need is the MEETING ID: 317 050 7009

Go to the zoom website or app and click on Join Meeting and enter the ID above. It’s as easy as that.

To reserve your spot email gilliesutherland@me.com

Donations to http://www.PayPal.me/gilliesutherland

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