Miracle Mornings

Set your days to magic with Movement and Mindset Coach Gillie Sutherland

Incorporating wild yoga, primal movement, Pilates, somatics, Breathwork, meditation and mindfulness to put you in the best state possible for the day.

Starts Saturday 20th November 2021 with a Kickstart Workshop “Eat The Frog

Then Miracle Mornings will run every weekday morning from Monday 22nd November 2021 – Friday 24th December 2021

*Includes a 21 day challenge for extra motivation!!!

As Nikola Tesla famously said:

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency”

We are electrical beings and we can consciously raise our vibrational frequency.

We can makes ourselves stronger, healthier and happier, through daily rituals and a commitment to our health and well-being.
It doesn’t have to be gruelling or punishing, and it doesn’t need to be time-consuming or require fancy equipment.

Just you and your body and someone to help you stay on track (that’ll be me!)

With only 30 mins a day, five times a week, you can make significant changes to your physical and mental well-being, as well as your productivity at work and feelings of satisfaction in your life.

Research has shown that a structured morning routine has the ability to:

  • Increase Happiness
  • Reduce Procrastination
  • Boost Confidence
  • Improve Overall Productivity

Miracle Mornings have been designed to make it simple.

Each weekday morning before your working day begins, get up and get moving!

“Eat The Frog!”

As Mark Twain said:

The absolute best time to exercise is first thing. It’s the most important task, so do it first.

The Miracle Mornings programme begins with a workshop on this very subject!

Get it done and the rest of the day is easier.

You’ll boost your energy levels, kickstart your metabolism, and your mood will be lighter and brighter for the rest of the day.

The cost of the whole programme is just £35, but if you would like to just try out the workshop first to find out if it’s for you, then you can just sign up for that initially for £15 and decide afterwards if you would like to commit to the full challenge